I’m a little late posting this month’s block. It seems all the pictures from this block have disappeared! So, I started from scratch, made a new block and took pictures along the way.
I’ve recently become a fan of the churn dash block and thought it would be fun to include it in this quilt with a bit of a twist…. a pinwheel in the center!
Fabric Requirements
Fabric 1 – Blue Dot – (2) 5 in. squares, (1) 4 1/2 in. square
Fabric 2 – Aqua print – (2) 4 1/2 x 5 in. rectangles
Fabric 3 – Background – (2) 5 in. squares, (1) 4 1/2 in. square, (2) 4 1/2 x 5 in. rectangles
Step 1

Using 4 1/2 in. squares from fabric 1 and background fabric, layer squares right sides together. Sew 1/4 in. around all four sides of square.
Step 2

Cut sewn square diagonally twice.
Step 3

Press open to darker fabric. Lay out pinwheel on table making sure it is spinning in the direction you like.
Step 4

Sew together top row then bottom row. Press. Then nestling the center seam, sew the rows together.
Step 5

Press open and trim to 4 1/2 inches. (I make the pinwheels a little larger than normal to ensure plenty of room to trim to the perfect pinwheel.)
Step 6

Lay fabric 2 rectangle right sides together with background fabric rectangle. Sew 1/4 in along each 4 1/2 in. side.
Step 7

With the sewn edges running along the sides, cut rectangle in half (2 1/2 in.) Press open. Repeat for remaining 3 rectangles.

Step 8

Draw a diagonal line on the back of the background fabric 5 in. squares.
Step 9

Layer background square right sides together with Fabric 1 – 5in. square. Sew 1/4 in. along both sides of the drawn line.
Step 10

Cut along drawn line and press open.
Step 11

Trim half square triangle to 4 1/2 inches. Repeat steps to make 2 more half square triangles.
Step 12

Lay out squares to form blocks. Sew together in rows. Press seam on top and bottom row towards the center block. On middle row, press seams outward away from the pinwheel.
Step 13

Nestle seams and pin. Sew rows together. And your are finished with month 5!