This must have been what it felt like to be two years old. I can’t seem to focus on anything for more than 15 minutes at a time. It could be that my kids have settled into summer and can’t seem to entertain themselves anymore. It could be that I have guilt over sewing when my kids are home and the house is less than clean. Or, (this is my favorite excuse) it could be because I have so many cute cute projects I’m working on, I can’t seem to settle on one. Here is a brief glimpse at some of them. Hopefully, I will be posting about some finished projects soon.
The first is a Moda Bake Shop project called Starry Eyed. It is so stinkin’ cute. I had been looking for a project to use my “Fresh Cotton” fabric on. It calls for a layer cake and two charm packs. Guess what I just happened to have?!

The second is a super cute, super easy retro quilt. I picked up these fabulous fabrics while shopping at “Material Girls” in Utah a few weeks ago. It calls for lots of appliqued dots. I’ve never done that before. I’m a bit nervous, which is why I stopped mid project. I’ll get back to it soon……ish..

This one is a secret, so I can’t tell you anything yet. You will be seeing the entire finished quilt soon though.

Lastly, is this totally uninspiring photo of my “Wildflowers” quilt. I cut it out right before my Utah holiday/fabric shopping trip and I’m having a hard time getting back to it now that I have all this new stuff to work on. I’ve decided to leave it sitting out on my sewing table in plain view, so I will eventually feel guilty enough to get back to it.

Hopefully, I will have a few productive days and will be able to show some finished products, rather than lots of works in progress. Stay tuned……