If your anything like me, you quilt according to the season. In the Fall and Winter I make cozy warmer colored quilts. In the Spring, all the soft flowery fabrics get pulled out. And, for summer it’s usually reds and creams. But this year, I must be feeling extra patriotic. I pulled out a red, white (well, cream), and blue quilt kit I bought years ago called “Chippewa Nine Patch”. The quilt and the fabric, Prairie Paisley, was designed by Minick and Simpson, who always have the greatest fabrics in these colors. Unfortunately, my quilt doesn’t quite look like this:

It looks more like this:

Holy guacamole! There are 25 – 81 patch squares. No wonder I love it. I’m hoping to get it done in the next month. Ha ha ha! I’ll have so much time to quilt when all the kids are home from school. ROFLOL! No seriously, I really want this one done. But, until I can show you the finished pictures, I found some other awesome red, white and blue quilts to get you in the patriotic mood.
This gorgeous Irish Chain quilt is from Suzy's Sewing Basket. She sent it to a soldier in Iraq which resulted in a volunteer effort which delivered more than 6,000 quilts to wounded military personnel and their families.
I am totally in LOVE with this patriotic quilt from Cluck Cluck Sew. She did a block tutorial for this quilt last year. I going to have to give this one a try.

This beauty was in American Patchwork and Quilting seven years ago! It is also another one of my UFO’s. I bought it when I was a few days away from delivering child number four. No wonder I never finished it. One day….

Now I need to go sew, so I can enjoy my own patriotic quilt.