Such wonderful little packages. Whomever had the idea for precuts should be given some kind of award. I bet over half of my quilts start with some kind of precut. Imagine, 40 little pieces of fabric, mostly different, to sew together immediately to make something wonderful. (And I thought the rotary cutter saved time!!) I’m also a big fan of FedEx. Huh? You ask. Since I live in the middle of nowhere, there are no quilt shops around me. Sniff. So, I order a lot of fabric online. And how do they come? FedEx. I love the sound of the FedEx truck. I get excited when I hear it. I run to the door and……… sigh. It’s for the neighbors. Sad. Hmmm. I think, “ Maybe I should order fabric so the FedEx guy can bring something to me." Hmmm…. What shall I order? There is that new line that just came out… I need a binding for the quilt I’m quilting. I don’t have anything in those colors. I definitely need that. I think.” (My husband probably isn’t going to like it when he reads about the goings on in my mind.)
You get the idea. So, yesterday the FedEx guy did bring me a package. Hooray! I have 3 charm packs of “Dream On” by Urban Chicks and I needed a border, binding and backing. I decided to take a risk and order a border and binding from different lines. Recently, I saw a quilt with a bright tangerine polka dot binding on it and I LOVED it. So, I had to go find a bright tangerine dot for my quilt. Big risk. Fabrics obviously don’t always appear on your computer screen the way they are in real life. I tried it anyway. I REALLY wanted the tangerine dot. I also found a super cute Amy Butler fabric with pink, green and tangerine wavy lines. It would make the cutest binding. I held my breath and ordered. So…… to make a unnecessarily long story longer, I got it yesterday. The tangerine is awesome!!! YEAH! The wavy lines not so much. BOO! The greens are off. But, I got my dots! Now, I have to go find a solid at my local Hobby Lobby to match. They have a very limited selection of Kona cotton, so I’m really really hoping I can find something that matches. (I just can’t guess on solids online. I’m not that gutsy. ) Don’t you think there should be some kind of guide that tells you what Moda Solids go with what Moda lines?? Especially for those of us that can’t just run to the fabric store. Me too… We should let it be known.
I’m rambling… So, I’ll just shut up now and show you some pics of my happy and not so happy fabrics.
Doesn’t it look awesome?? |
Notice how the green wavy print is just too dull? Not so awesome.
Anyway, once I find my solid and binding (fingers crossed) , I’m going to make this fabulous quilt.

You can get the “recipe” here at
Happy Quilting!